Writing Financial Aid Application | Get Coursera Courses for FREE with Certificates.
This blog provides sample answers for your financial application.
You can even copy past directly. Do not forget to change the 'topic name' to your required course name.
If you don't know about the financial application process, please read How to get Coursera courses for FREE with Certificate? first.
You can copy and past the following answers directly or you may get an idea. Coursera accepts almost all the financial aid applications.
Why are you applying for financial aid?
I am applying for financial aid just because I am unable to pay for the course. I am an active learner and too much interested in trending courses and technologies. The market demands are changing and growing every day. To meet the clients’ requirements and hunting job opportunities, it is very important to stay up to date with the latest knowledge and skills out there in the market. Coursera is the only platform that I know can provide me with the latest skills and knowledge that I require to get a decent job in the market.
There are other platforms where I can get the knowledge that is needed these days in the market, but most of those platforms won’t give any proof of the knowledge and skills without paying. Financial aid is not available as much as I know about those platforms. Coursera is the only platform that can provide me with both, the knowledge and the certificate. Certificates are very important when applying for jobs at different places, plus it also important in the freelancing industry. The client won't trust unless and until he or she has some certain amount of surety. A certificate is the best thing to stand you out among the others.
I am applying for financial aid because I need industry knowledge and a certificate as well. It will help me get a decent job as soon as I complete this course (or specialization).
I shall be very thankful to Coursera for this act of kindness.
How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?
This course is going to give all that I need to know about (topic name). I want to save time by applying the standard procedures and to apply standard procedures I must learn them first. I tried other platforms and materials but nothing seems perfect. I need a complete understanding of the (topic name).
I am (profession, e.g., software engineer), and the knowledge of (topic name) will be a plus point during job hunting. To achieve my career goals, I need to stand out among others in the market. For that, I have to learn everything about the (topic name).
I want to be enrolled in this course. So, I can learn all the concepts at one go without wasting time here and there.
I hope that I will get this financial aid. I shall be very thankful to the Coursera team. Without financial aid, I won’t be able to get the certificate which is very important during job hunting.
Last question is about, why are you not opting for a loan?
I am unemployed and earning nothing at the moment.
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